It was a windows shopping saturday afternoon! And along Orchard came the decorations, not as attractive as what I thought but originated appealing! Christmas tree (or conifers) is one of the tradition symbols of christmas celebration. Without it, we don't called it Christmas either but it's just another day for little ones to celebrate with joy.
In terms of religion, we celebrate 25th December for the Christ. Christ's Birthday! It's the time of confession for Catholics and wash away the sins we've commited throughout the whole year; replenish our souls! Of course, the trademark of christmas goes to Mr. Santa Clause (or Father of Christmas) giving away presents.
As a matter of gratitude for (you of) coming back to my blog again and again, I will be a Santa Clause in my blog. HAHAHA! All you need to do is participate on the contest and stand a chance to win a gift from Santa! All information send to will remain confidential of all kinds and purposely mean for this contest only. The rules, information is available on the flash banner above. Make sure you have the flash installed in your system. I've some tips on the right chatter box and wish you good luck for the contest. :) Or should I extend this contest until New Year? haha!Oh yeah, the street are full of pedestrians and pretty hard to squeeze through the path. Damn humid and thristy. Make sure you're not wearing black when you're at orchard because I sweat like hell. Singapore is unlike Hong Kong, or States where the chilling weather could cool down your body temperature. I think I am going to spend my next Christmas in new york. Like the atmosphere there. hehe!
Inside Centre Point @ Orchard.A bit messy but I like the flow of the jingle balls.
Outside Paragon, stand firm with this huge christmas tree.I like the stars. Can't stand there's no snow fall. :(
I saw this. Looks nice with the water flowing down.
And this is the crystal christmas tree....I doubt if those were real crystals till they need to cover the tree up!Oh, the crystal is fragile!
This is the golden tree with water flow!
I pity this girl for being a toy on the mini-pool dumper.Just throw a ball on the latch and whamp her into the water!Just to proof that Olympus Camera is Water Resistance. How silly!
The Messiah and the shepherd!
This band is the best among the other bands doing the dancing /singing!I like their SAMBA beat! Much like Safri Duo!
Everyone on the street really really enjoyed their performance and dance move.Some pedestrians even dance! Memorable! Well done!!!'s much better than this! ..
That I saw in Hong Kong.... This 1 is the Jamaican Performance...Ok...Let's enjoy the SAMBA DANCE & DRUMS!!! =)
They are hot from one of the local Universities.
The girls are hot!!!! ^^;
And they gain a lot from donations! WOW!