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          Posted on Friday, October 06, 2006


The famous ever word, Haze again stuck the Pacific and Lower South East Asia. I was disrupted by this silly fog covering my sight wherever, whenever I go! Illegal open burning in Indonesia have been accused by WHO of not taking such such issues onto concerns, choking smoke billow across the region, with Malaysia (especially SARAWAK), Singapore and southern Thailand and these countries are usually the worst affected ones.

What can you do if...

the_visibility_is = 10%;
air_freshness = 5%;
health = 20%;
outdoor_activities = 2%;
pakto_meetups = 20%;
sight_seeing = 8%;
berbuka_puasa_outdoor_sales = 20%;
Travel = 5%;
migran = 10%;

and the business...

will_fall = 50%;
to_improve_progression = 5%;
of_worker's_profficiency = 5%;
profit = 2%;
development = 3%;
meetups = 10%;
auxiliary = 7%;
target_meets = 10%;
sales_for_as_low_as = 8%;

Why are those rich people flatening the landscape and burn down those trees? Why there are so many ways of recycling the trees, they din't make use of it? Why the are not environmentally thinking? Why didn't the Indonesian government apply laws to open burning? Why they couldn't figure out a way to issue such havoc for all these years? Too many whys? Too many threats! Too many comments! I believe MONEY is the core.

Story Flash Back...

"When I was 12, on the way home from tuition, fog of cloud appeared everywhere (around 6PM). It's pretty thick alright. I was wondering if the ghost are looking for something or they are too hungry for the festival. BTW, on that particular day it was Hungry Ghost Festival! But.. it is not, instead, it's the haze that is fogging my mind with chiense beliefs."


3 days ago...

It was my company's MDs' Birthday.... We had this simple celebration and of koz, FREE FOODS, FREE DRINKS, FREE CAKES and FREE TRIP! What can I say?

I will reveal this free trip once after I've been there -- THERE! :)

Everyone got a lunch box like this! 奇 means strange!
What a strange company having a lunch box like...

THIS! Not bad ar?
Strange isn't it? A Nasi lemak Lunch Box.
WIth a be-headed fish, belacan, fried chicken, cucumber, anchovies and coconut milk rice.

Fried Chicken wing is a must for a small scale party like this
And then.. make a wild guess on the food below!

What the?
It's a Pancake Skin / Roti Prata.
Looks like a pizza box!

What is this again? Crushed shreeded eggs.


Sweet sauce and prawn.
hmmm... what is this food up to? Cha Kueh Tiaw?


Bread Crumb
O_O Weird eh?

mangkuang... I bet till here you knew what is this food called...

These are the overall ingredients. Ready??????

PoooOoof! A POPIAH!
want some?

Before the lunch... a pleasant surprise for the MD.
I (as a producer) did a video slide presentation to the MD.
He appreciated it! hehe! lol! Thanks to joy and the crew on board.

Left (MD), Center (ME), Right (DesignManager)
We're laughing at the videos done by me.
And the videos? Maybe some other time =P

Overall colleagues

Uhm O_O' U see a 'G'?
O_O"" This picture is 'too perfect' where everyone is standing still while I, ...

Eating cake and snap with a new colleague.

Hmmm..... the cake taste weird or it is too tasty?

And the B is spreading the fills.

For goodness sake. I am very hungry now! LOL!


  • At Friday, October 06, 2006 6:08:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    what the hell were u doing on the 2nd group picture???

    ROFL!!!!!!! it's hilarious

  • At Saturday, October 07, 2006 4:56:00 PM, Blogger Wayne said…

    well original plan was 2 b a fun guy who knew it turned out 2 be like this o . lol. juz posing some silly moVes.. kekeke...

  • At Tuesday, October 10, 2006 9:18:00 AM, Blogger Selba said…

    I prefer to have a popiah already done than making by myself...

    LOL... good pose!!! actually you got so many interesting poses in your pictures... I think I need to learn from you coz' I am pretty conservative. Need to get more lively... Let's rock!!! ;)


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