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          Posted on Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Yahoo! Services

Oh yea, and this is one hell of a place to hang out with with billions of weird people and weird questions and their weird Answers. Hey... you could gain more points for answering questions and perhaps win a handphone or plasma (in the future).
Yahoo! Answers corner is a bit populated since it's launch as quite a number of users (rather than blogging), perferred hanging out here looking for ANSWERS!

Find my Yahoo! Answers on the right hand side.

Well, it's addictive alright and I know it. Over the years, Yahoo had improved by the way how they interact with users; in terms of interface and search engine. Compared with Google

which is much more simple and not much of a choice (in terms of services).

I have been a Yahoo! user for 7 years since 2000. And now I even make calls using Yahoo! to my family and friends using Yahoo! Messenger. Wow, I tell you...
It was quite odd to have quite a number of calling services out there; call-back or even STD/IDD cards. The concept of broadband call is merely on spot, it's just Asia is behind Japan/Korea in terms of telecommunication technologies. In Japan, they have Yahoo! BB (BB Stands fo Broadband Call) and uses broadband as a medium to make calls all around the world in a cents per minute. How cheap? Cheaper than %@#^@&@ cards of course.

Back to my hometown, where I work with my ex-boss. Their company is also "copying" Yahoo! BB Method; by buying the technologies from third party issuer / vendor (Telekom/Digi/Celcom/Maxis). Asians are always reknown as copycats though. That was too far and too "shortcut" to earn money. Lawsuit might be encounter one day.

I haven't finish about Yahoo! Services... The Yahoo! Messenger PC-to-Phone is much more worth it than using normal IDD cards or handphones aboard. Or if you still don't understand this concept... Well here is some illustrations....

(1)PC-to-PC Call all around the world

(2)PC-to-Phone Call all around the world

(3)Voice Mail & Call History Function

It's just that simple. =D
I think this might be useful for those of you who is far away from their home countries. =D


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