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          Posted on Saturday, October 28, 2006

Happy Halloween

Uh, Trick or Treat? I perfer Treats... At least something to fill my stomach. HAHA! But oh, Trick also perferable to entertain my soul. LOL! What's up with this 'spooky' event of the year? What are you going to be? A Casper? A Witch? A Dracula? A Wrath? A Superman?

On October 31st, you'll get the answer on the streets. How many of you out there will dress like a real spooke on that night? Aw, hope I can join the fun.

But of course, we cannot miss out the famous o' pumpkin during halloween. And what made it so popular and simply a must during halloween? Traditionally, pumpkin was only an ordinary vegetables in the farm and like chinese, (we have these firecrackers story to frighten away the monster int the middle of the night back in china) the halloween also came from a folklore tale.

There was a farmer named Jack who had capture this devil and would not set the devil free unless both agreed on something, which is not to let Jack enter hell. Jack decides to wander around the earth to look for a resting place by carving a turnip of his and put a candle inside.

Uhm just like the chinese lantern! Of course, these tale tale thing created was to trick the kids and story telling but the kids always have fun on their makeups...

How sweet?
Well everyone just want to have fun with their friends and love ones. Okay perhaps a broom (reminds me of Harry Potter Quiditch school) might help the overall look? The impression of Harry Potter story also, came from these Halloween event. A Coinsidence or a copycat plot?

Back on track, tonight (Saturday), a few parties will be held for the Halloween Event. Places like pubs, clubs or even housing estate might be crowded. Looks like everyone is prepared for this spooky 'new year' and keen on such event. Hmmmmm.......

If you are to join this event organize by whoever, what will you be?

For me, I will be..........

Count DraculaaAaaAaa, 'bloooOood of life, sensual character, dArk prince, power of seduction and mind controls and of course a few vampire bride. ARG ARG ARG~!'

Fangs are growing when I sense blOOooooOd!

Transform my bride into my kind. Arg Arg Arg!
Ouch, the fangs look so fake..... later dropped onto her breast. >.<"

Man this movie was history and worth a watch! Shouldn't cross your fingers for it! Dracula, Dead and loving it (1995) is a horrific, sexual and funny piece that you shouldn't miss. Erm, this movie is actually a remake after Bela Lugosi's Dracula (1931) back in the 30s' and it was preety hot that time. Unfortunately Dracula, Dead and loving it doesn't hit the block office target. If you'd like to watch the classical Bela Lugosi's Count Dracula, click here! Portion of Leslie Neilson's Dead and Loving it, click here! Man, a classic movie turns into humor ones. lol! Go leslie. lol!


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